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My name is: Rupert Bear

Our lovely little Rupert sure has had a terrible life. He spent all of his years up until the time he came to us (and we think he was over 10) locked in a tiny cage outside, with no care at all in his native Romania. He was found with dread locks to the floor in a really miserable way and we cannot believe this dog has had to endure this life for years. Quite understandably, this has left him somewhat scarred. He is a wonderful little dog to the few who know him well, and have learnt to read him and his state of mind, but we are not confident about him being adopted for the time being. Rupert gets very stressed in very little time if something doesn't feel right for him and he will bite. For the time being, for the safety of everyone including his, we focus on giving him the best life we can. He needs his routine, his off lead walks in the forest, his favourite food and a regular trim which is very important for his wellbeing and mental health. We are so grateful to you as his sponsor for helping make terrible wrongs a little bit right, offering Rupert the comfort and attention he now needs through your donations. Thank you